Thursday, December 14, 2006

I love Vacation!

Which John Hughes Character Are You?

You are Clark Griswold (from National Lampoon's Vacation)! You're full of optimism and boundless energy, and no one loves a good family trip more. No one else can swear a blue streak like you either, Sparky!
Take this quiz!


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Sunday, November 19, 2006

How did they know???

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

The Midland
The Northeast
The South
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Smooch Restored!

I'm back to where I was before I had to frog most of my work. I think it looks much better with the proper shaping!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Blame it on the rain and the pain

Last week was full of ups and downs. Sunday our flight home from Chicago was delayed 6 hours but I got to meet the famous chef Cat Cora! Monday I had my wisdom teeth removed and everything was going fine until the last tooth. The root broke off and they couldn't get it out. I had to see an oral surgeon on Tuesday to finish the job. Thankfully Wade was with me at the dentist. Originally someone else was going to pick me up but Wade took the day off since we got home so late from the airport. Tuesday the oral surgeon said he might not be able to get the root out and I might have partial numbness in my tongue, but he got it out and I don't have any numbness. I was behind on my schoolwork due to the flight delay and emergency oral surgery. I couldn't concentrate because of the pain medicine so I was going to watch all the things I had on TiVo and knit.

I'm making Smooch from the Rowan All Seasons Cotton Collection for my sister-in-law's birthday at the end of May. It is my first garment and my first project with lace. I'm very excited about it. I was getting so much done last week. This is where I have to blame it on the pain... Thursday night I got to a part in the pattern that said work until piece measure 16cm. My piece was already a little longer than that. I kept going anyway because the next line said work until piece measures 33cm. These instructions seemed odd to me but like I said, I wasn't thinking straight. On Friday I showed off my work to a bunch of my friends. I worked until 33cm and when I read the next instructions I was supposed to cast off for the armholes and end up with 64 stitches. I only had 64 stitches! This is what had happened: I had misread the instructions for decreasing and was only decreasing on one side of the work instead of at each end, so it took me twice as many rows and this is why my piece was longer than 16cm. Then I hadn't done the necessary increases because I made a copy of the pattern to take with me to Chicago and it cut off those 2 lines of the instructions. It didn't seem right to only be shaping on one side of the garment but I was on pain medication so I didn't think about it too hard. Friday night I was so confused about not having the right number of stitches that I took out the pattern book and realized what had happened. I had to frog an entire ball of yarn and then some!

I'm not as far as I would have been but I have made a lot of progress. The piece looks a lot better with the proper shaping. I glad that I realized my mistake before I finished the back. The instructions for the front are the same until half way up the piece. If I had realized the mistake while making the front I would have had to frog a lot more. Knitting this is really fun and I am thinking about knitting a different tank top for myself soon.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Pat's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Past Knitting Creations (2005)
Originally uploaded by d-luck.
I love to celebrate St. Pat's! I went to school at UMR and it is a big celebration there. We get 2 days off school for games, there's a parade, and we even have a St. Pat's Queen. Unfortunately Wade and I live too far away to go back. We are just taking it easy at home this year. I almost even forgot to wear green. Whoops!

Anyway, I wanted to post a picture of the cute bag I made last fall. I got my bag out, set up my shot, and when I went to take the picture I remembered that the camera batteries were dead. So instead I'm going to treat you to some knitting past. These are pictures of my first three projects. I sent up a Flickr account today and made a mosaic, so I hope this works!

The top left corner is a picture of me modeling a scarf I made for my mom's birthday last year. This is the first project I completed on my own. It's Ribbed-for-Her-Pleasure from Stitch 'n bitch. Wade challenged me to complete it in 1 month. This seemed challenging back then. I completed it in time and it cemented my knitting future!

The top right corner is my second scarf. I knit this one was for my friend Courtney as a birthday present. I had even less time to complete this since Courtney's birthday is actually 1 week before my mom's. But I was getting faster and I finished it in about 2 weeks. It's Wavy Gravy from Stitch 'n bitch Nation. I used a dark green and a medium green from Lamb's Pride. Green is Court's favorite color and it's perfect for St. Pat's! She's in Chicago so maybe she's even wearing it today :)

The bottom 2 pictures are a baby blanket I made for my friends Jenny and John last spring. They had their first baby in June. They are HUGE Chicago Cubs fans so I searched for the perfect red and blue in a baby weight yarn. I tried to take a close up of the corner so you could see the pattern better but I don't know if it shows up well in the mosaic. My mother-in-law's friend gave me this pattern. It was very easy.

I hope you enjoyed my blast-from-the-past. I know I did! Have a great St. Patrick's day!!!!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

4x4 Meme

I was tagged 2 months ago by Brynne to do this meme. Now that it's spring break I finally have time! I was also tagged by Martha weeks ago to do a different meme but I just couldn't think of 5 weird habits...or at least not ones I'd like to share :)

4 jobs you've had:
1. Sales associate at Wolf/Ritz Camera
2. Intern at IBM
3. Research assistant in college
4. Box office at AMC Theater in Naperville

4 movies you could watch over and over:
1. A Christmas Story
2. Singing in the Rain
3. Animal House
4. Probably most any musical or comedy

4 Places you've lived:
1. Naperville, IL (most of my life)
2. Rolla, MO
3. Columbia, MO (for less than 1 year)
4. Katy/Houston, TX

4 TV shows you love to watch:
1. Unwrapped, Good Eats, Iron Chef America, 30 minute meals, Everyday Italian...If it's on the Food Network I probably like to watch it
2. American Chopper
3. Family Guy
4. All My Children

4 places you've been on vacation:
1. Cancun - Honeymoon!
2. Italy
3. Connecticut - my parents are from CT so I've been many many times to visit family
4. North Carolina - my first road trip with Wade

4 websites you visit daily:
1. Yahoo - for e-mail
2. Bloglines
3. For Better or For Worse daily comic strip
4. WebCT - grad school

4 of your favorite foods:
1. Pasta
2. Pizza
3. Anything sweet! Especially if it has chocolate!
4. Cheeseburgers

4 places you'd rather be right now:
1. Hawaii - I've never been but I hear its awesome.
2. Chicago - I miss my family and it's an awesome city
3. Kansas City - My SIL and some of my friends live there
4. Italy - It's just so beautiful and cultured

Brynne tagged the Katy Knitters so I'll just say if you haven't done it or want to do it again - go for it!